Mary Jo Ruccio
Mary Jo retired in 2016 after more than 30 years working at a management level with nonprofits and local governments. She is now a full-time Spiritual Director as well as a workshop and retreat facilitator.
Mary Jo has studied the Enneagram since 2006 and is an active member of The Enneagram Center of the Ohio Valley (ECOV). Since 2007 she has participated in the bi-annual retreats of TNE Bergamo Learning Community in Dayton, Ohio. Experiencing the Enneagram through the Narrative Tradition has informed Mary Jo’s spiritual life as well as her work as a consultant and a Spiritual Director.
She was the President of her own consulting firm, Creating Common Ground Inc, from 2003 until 2016. As a process consultant, Mary Jo worked with various local and national nonprofits to create organizational cultures of strategic problem solving including building staff and board skills in active listening, communication and negotiation. From 2008 until 2016, Mary Jo was privileged to work with Enneagram Studies in the Narrative Tradition, the predecessor of TNE, first as a consultant and then as both its Operations Director and Executive Director.
Mary Jo lives in Florence, KY. She graduated from Nazareth College in Bardstown, KY and studied Community Planning and Development at the University of Cincinnati.